Base Graphics Set |
59.7% |
28.3% |
6.2% |
OpenGFX2 Classic
5.9% |
Base Sound Set |
74.3% |
23.5% |
1.8% |
0.5% |
Base Music Set |
68.1% |
17.0% |
Modern Motion
8.8% |
Radio Monochrome Volume 1
2.1% |
Jake's Songs
1.8% |
Holiday Island
1.0% |
Barry Taylor's Traditional American Tunebook Volume 2
0.7% |
Touhou Classics
0.3% |
Scott Joplin Anthology
0.1% |
Traditional Winter Holiday Music Pack
0.1% |
<0.1% |
AIs |
11.6% |
3.6% |
2.8% |
2.2% |
2.2% |
1.8% |
1.4% |
0.5% |
0.4% |
0.4% |
0.2% |
0.2% |
0.2% |
0.2% |
0.2% |
Trans AI
0.2% |
0.1% |
0.1% |
0.1% |
GameScripts |
Villages Is Villages
25.6% |
Peaks and Troughs
8.7% |
5.6% |
2.2% |
Neighbours are important
1.0% |
Rebuild Closed Industries
0.9% |
Eternal Love
0.9% |
City Controller
0.7% |
Renewed Village Growth
0.5% |
New Renewed Village Growth
0.3% |
0.2% |
NewGRFs - aircraft set |
av8 Aviators Aircraft Set
44.4% |
WAS (World Airliners Set)
34.5% |
World Airliners Set r7876
17.3% |
Military Items
13.5% |
Korean Airliners Set
11.5% |
av8 Minimal Supp WAS
10.6% |
8.9% |
General av8ion
5.9% |
VACE - VTOL AirCraft for Everyo
5.5% |
Hot Air Balloon
5.2% |
Airship Mast & Hot Air Balloons
4.7% |
LCT Vehicle Set
3.0% |
RAV8 (Rangless Av8)
3.0% |
0.9% |
Use-able default aircraft
0.9% |
av8 Minimal Supp WAS Rangeless
0.2% |
China Aircraft COMAC C919
0.2% |
NewGRFs - airport set |
OpenGFX+ Airports
52.8% |
North Korean Aviation Set
13.8% |
Heliport (ttdur)
2.2% |
<0.1% |
NewGRFs - bridge set |
Total Bridge Renewal Set
16.5% |
10.8% |
JP+ Bridges
8.7% |
JP+ Bridges Extension
7.6% |
Total Bridge Renewal Set UKRS
6.9% |
Transrapid Track Set
3.4% |
Bridges param speed limit
3.2% |
2.6% |
Modular Wider Bridges for JGR
2.5% |
Modular Wider Bridges Set
2.5% |
CZTR Bridges
2.1% |
Longer Girder, Steel Bridge
1.3% |
Total Bridge Renewal Japan
1.0% |
Vactrain Set Companion
1.0% |
0.4% |
<0.1% |
NewGRFs - economy set |
Simple Cargo Decay Override
19.9% |
Passenger and Mail Payment Rate
18.3% |
12.2% |
Timberwolf's Station Ratings
3.4% |
Easy Station Rating Override
3.2% |
SPI(1.32) Cargo Payment Rates
2.2% |
NewGRFs - gui set |
OpenGFX+ Trees
20.4% |
Japanese Faces
12.4% |
UK Logo Character Replacement
11.0% |
NewCC set
9.4% |
Purple to Black Company Color
5.7% |
Cursor / GUI Replacer
2.5% |
FontRenew (ttdur)
2.5% |
1.1% |
NewGRFs - industry set |
FIRS Industry Replacement Set 4
29.1% |
Extreme Industry Set
23.0% |
FIRS Industry Replacement Set 3
15.5% |
Plaza as Industry
8.9% |
Field Spawner
7.3% |
Housing as Industries
7.2% |
ECS Town vector
5.2% |
ECS Industry Add-on
5.1% |
5.1% |
ECS Machinery vector
5.1% |
ECS Wood vector
5.1% |
ECS Construction Vector
5.1% |
ECS Agricultural Vector
5.1% |
ECS Chemical vector II
5.1% |
ECS Basic vector II
5.1% |
Age of Industry Replacement Set
4.4% |
AXIS eXtreme Industry Set
4.1% |
FIRS Industry Replacement Set 1
3.4% |
3.4% |
Beach as Industry
3.0% |
OpenGFX+ Industries
0.9% |
FIRS Industry Replacement Set 2
0.8% |
0.3% |
Z. Australian Industry AuzInd2
0.2% |
NewGRFs - landscape set |
OpenGFX+ Landscape
48.6% |
JapanSet Landscape
10.9% |
Japanese Trees
9.4% |
Snow Line Mod
7.2% |
BK Enhanced Tunnel Set
6.0% |
5.6% |
CZTR Tree set
4.1% |
CZTR Ground set
3.6% |
1.6% |
<0.1% |
NewGRFs - mixed set |
JP+ Suspended Monorails
8.9% |
The Dutch Signal Set
5.3% |
RUKTS - Extension
2.6% |
0.2% |
<0.1% |
NewGRFs - object set |
City Objects
50.9% |
FIRS and CHIPS style objects
41.4% |
Dutch Road Furniture
40.4% |
Fridaemon's Objects
36.7% |
Dutch Landmark Objects Set
34.0% |
ISR/DWE-style Objects
31.8% |
AuzObjects Fences
26.7% |
TARS Mountain Lifts
26.4% |
Dutch Delta Works
25.5% |
AuzObjects Car Parks
25.3% |
AuzObjects Farms
24.4% |
Farm Objects
24.0% |
AuzObjects Creeks and Drains
23.9% |
AuzObjects Water
23.7% |
AuzObjects Power and Telephone
23.7% |
AuzObjects Fake Rails & Trains
23.4% |
Fake Airport Objects
23.1% |
Generic Skyscraper Objects Set
23.1% |
Town Walls Objects
22.0% |
21.9% |
AuzObjects Towns
21.6% |
VAST+ Fences
21.5% |
AuzObjects Industry
21.1% |
AuzObjects Industry Add-Ons
21.1% |
City Objects Extras
20.7% |
VAST (Objects)
20.6% |
AuzObjects Roads
20.5% |
AuzObjects Add-Ons
20.5% |
AuzObjects Towns Pre-1900
20.3% |
AuzObjects Towns Add-Ons
20.3% |
AuzObjects Water Add-Ons
20.3% |
AuzObjects Railway Buildings
20.2% |
AuzObjects Subway Overlays
20.2% |
AuzObjects Sports
20.2% |
AuzObjects Boating
20.2% |
AuzObjects Reefs & Atolls Pt 1
20.2% |
AuzObjects Reefs & Atolls Pt 2
20.2% |
AuzObjects Landscape
20.2% |
Town Walls Objects Add-Ons
20.2% |
AuzObjects Fences Add-Ons
20.0% |
z. AuzRoadAndRailObjects
19.7% |
Dutch Road Furn. UK Signs Add-o
19.5% |
OpenGFX+ Airports as Objects
18.8% |
JP+ Objects
18.1% |
The Lighthouse Set
17.3% |
CHIPS style dock objects
17.2% |
CIRso (FaCso terrain)
16.9% |
Parks & Their Castles
16.9% |
Swedish Houses as Objects
16.9% |
z. AuzObjects Fences
16.2% |
z. AuzObjects Towns
16.2% |
Romazoon Objects
16.0% |
Polish Buildings as Objects
16.0% |
SNO - Supercheese's NewObjects
15.9% |
AuzObjects Military
15.3% |
North Korean Objects
13.9% |
TTRS as Objects
13.6% |
Fake Bridges
13.6% |
AuzObjects Agry Bridges
13.5% |
Ground Tiles with Autoslope
13.5% |
13.5% |
Beach Objects
13.2% |
LGBTQ+ Pride Flags
12.7% |
z. Auz Road And Town Objects
11.4% |
z. AuzWater & Landscape Objects
11.4% |
11.3% |
z. AuzSlopeAwareGroundTiles
11.2% |
World Flags
10.2% |
z. AuzObjects Fake Trains
8.9% |
z. Auz Farms and Fences Obects
8.4% |
Temporal8 Real Houses Eyecandy
7.8% |
Korean Object Set
7.0% |
FRISS - Stations and Other Infr
6.5% |
Real Parks & Gardens in 32bpp
5.8% |
UK Town Set as Objects
5.8% |
5.5% |
Ufiby NewObjects, Pt. 1
5.5% |
Ufiby NewObjects, Pt. 2
5.5% |
(OLD) Recycled NewObjects: Mars
5.5% |
Tony Pixels Subway Equipment Se
5.5% |
z. AuzObjects Landscape
4.8% |
Polish Lighthouses
3.0% |
CityMania Minesweeper
3.0% |
z. Auz Rail Objects
3.0% |
Transmitter by Date
3.0% |
Creeks objects
3.0% |
Snow-Aware Coastline Objects
2.5% |
z. AuzObj Fake Bridges Culvert
1.8% |
z. Auz_Landscape_Objects
1.4% |
0.3% |
CZTR Rail addons
0.2% |
0.1% |
NewGRFs - rail-infra set |
Dutch Catenary
17.6% |
Useless Tracks
17.4% |
Metro Track Set
15.3% |
ISR Rail & Road Depots
15.1% |
Dutch Tracks
15.0% |
Industrial Trackset
14.1% |
Trackless Trackset
13.9% |
Japanese Tracks
12.7% |
12.6% |
Standardised UK Track Set
7.8% |
JF Japan-Themed DualGauge Rails
7.2% |
6.6% |
UK Railway Set tracks
4.7% |
Beul's Mono&Maglev conversion
4.4% |
Korean Tracks
3.6% |
Monorail Track Replacement
3.5% |
FS-Maglev Track
3.5% |
Maglev Track Set v2 reMOD
3.5% |
Narrow Gauge Track Types
3.4% |
Maglev Track Set v2
3.3% |
AuzRails Set
3.0% |
Bigger Depots
3.0% |
2.8% |
xUSSR Rails Set
2.4% |
2.2% |
Timberwolf's Tracks
1.9% |
Progressive Rail Set
0.9% |
xUSSR Rails Europa Redux
0.4% |
0.2% |
CZTR Rails
0.2% |
CZTR Infrastructure
0.2% |
Railtype Compatibility GRF
0.2% |
U&ReRMM2: Mini
0.2% |
NewGRFs - rail-station set |
Industrial Stations Renewal
53.5% |
Dutch Stations Set
52.0% |
Dutch Station Addition Set
51.7% |
Dutch Station Addition, Part 2
48.7% |
Dutch Station Addition, Part 3
47.3% |
Timberwolf's Stations
39.6% |
AuzStations Freight Stations
37.8% |
Dutch Stations As Waypoints DSA
37.3% |
z. Auz More Freight Stations
34.5% |
CHIPS Station Set 1
33.8% |
CHIPS Station Set 2
32.5% |
Rural Stations
29.8% |
Hungarian Stations
28.0% |
Hungarian Stations 2
28.0% |
Hungarian Stations 3
28.0% |
Japanese Stations
27.8% |
DWE-StationTiles -Industrial Te
27.0% |
DWE-StationTiles - Fences
26.0% |
British Stations Set
25.8% |
AuzStations Catenary Stations
24.5% |
City stations
22.9% |
AuzStations Waypoints
22.8% |
22.8% |
Alexandra Palace
22.6% |
Ore Unloader Station
22.5% |
JP+ Cargo Stations
22.0% |
OpenGFX+ Stations
21.4% |
z. Auz Stations Platforms
21.4% |
z. Auz Stations and Non-Tracks
21.4% |
z. AuzStations More Add-Ons
21.4% |
AuzStations Bus Truck Stations
21.2% |
Mostly Florida Stations Set
20.9% |
VAST (Station Tiles)
19.2% |
Modular Locomotive Shed Station
19.1% |
z. Auz Train Depot Extensions
17.5% |
AuzStations Sydney Station
17.1% |
AuzStations Railway Stations
16.9% |
Fake Bridges Waypoints
16.9% |
z. Aus Stations Pt 2 Version 2
16.8% |
z. Auz Stations Pt 3 Version 1
16.8% |
z. Auz Stations Pt 4 Version 1
16.8% |
AuzStations Non-Track Tiles
16.8% |
AuzStations Footbridges
16.8% |
Suburban Stations
16.7% |
z. Aus Freight Stations V2
15.9% |
z. Aus Stations Pt 1 Version 2
15.9% |
Maglev Station Set
14.7% |
UK Waypoints
13.5% |
DPRK Stations v2 - Eyecandy
12.6% |
DPRK Stations v2 - Platforms
12.2% |
ISR Style Waypoints
12.1% |
DPRK Stations v2 - Eyecandy 2
12.0% |
DPRK Stations
11.8% |
DPRK Stations v2 - Buildings
11.7% |
Kiwitree Station Set Part 1
11.6% |
Kiwitree Station Set Part 2
11.6% |
DPRK Stations Addon
10.6% |
AuzStations Subway Stations
10.5% |
Kiwitree Station Extension
10.2% |
Kiwitree Station Extension Shad
10.2% |
US Stations Set
10.2% |
AuzStations Country Platforms
9.8% |
AuzStations City Platforms
9.8% |
AuzStations Normal Type
9.6% |
Fridaemon's Railway Stations
9.4% |
AuzStations Wired Stations
9.0% |
Basic Stations
8.9% |
Custom Tunnel Entrances
8.8% |
Japanese Stations
7.8% |
Temporal8 Real Stations 32bpp
6.0% |
GETS Waypoints
5.9% |
ISR 1.0.2 Bridgeable Mod
5.7% |
Gwyd's NSE Stations
5.3% |
z. Aus Stations Pt 1 Version 2
3.0% |
z. Aus Stations Pt 2 Version 2
3.0% |
z. Auz Stations Part 1
3.0% |
z. Auz Stations Part 2
3.0% |
z. Auz Stations Pt 3 Version 1
3.0% |
z. Auz Freight Stations
3.0% |
z. Auz Stations Pt 4 Version 1
3.0% |
Modern Waypoint
2.6% |
Generic Buffers
2.5% |
Highspeed Passenger Stations
2.4% |
China Set: Plats and Stations
2.4% |
Highspeed Industry Stations
2.2% |
Highspeed Farm Stations
2.2% |
WINS Station Set
1.0% |
ISR Style Waypoints
1.0% |
CS StationSet v0.1
0.9% |
CS Platforms set
0.9% |
CZTR Stations
0.7% |
NewGRFs - road-infra set |
Dutch Rail Furniture
26.3% |
AuzObjects Beach
20.2% |
18.3% |
17.9% |
Timberwolf's Roads
15.4% |
CS Road Set 2.0
12.7% |
Quast65's TramTrackSet
7.3% |
Country Roads
5.9% |
Brick Tram Depot
3.4% |
UK Roads with Signs
3.4% |
2.8% |
Utility Roadtype Set
2.6% |
TheBus Stops
2.6% |
(OLD) GRC 1, Pt. 4
1.1% |
FooBar's Tram Tracks
0.9% |
CZTR Road set
0.5% |
czRoadsFix Names
0.2% |
0.1% |
NewGRFs - road-stop set |
Road Stops & Waypoints (JGRPP)
35.8% |
Korean Roadstop Set
13.0% |
U&RaTT: Roadstops
1.1% |
<0.1% |
NewGRFs - road-vehicle set |
Timberwolf's UK Road Vehicles 3
36.1% |
2CC Trams
32.8% |
Dutch Tram Set
29.4% |
2CC Cargo Trams
28.4% |
HEQS (Heavy Equipment Set)
27.0% |
Modern Tram Set
25.8% |
OpenGFX+ Road Vehicles
24.9% |
Modern Dutch Bus Set
16.8% |
16.6% |
Eyecandy Road Vehicles
16.2% |
Road Hog (Buses, Trucks, Trams)
16.2% |
Long vehicles
15.6% |
eGRVTS v2.1
15.2% |
Bob's British Buses
14.2% |
2CC Bus Set
14.1% |
Mop's Expanded Road Vehicles
14.1% |
Bob's Random Vehicles
14.0% |
Dutch ROads Project DROP
13.7% |
City Tram Set
13.3% |
Generic Cars
12.1% |
Dutch Metros As Trams
11.5% |
Hungarian Truck Set
11.2% |
Light Road Vehicle Set
11.1% |
Funny Cars
10.2% |
8.8% |
North Korean Tram Set
8.3% |
7.7% |
Romanian Road Vehicle Set
7.2% |
7.2% |
Cars Cars
7.2% |
WR City Trams
7.2% |
Temporal8 Real Cars 32bpp 4X
7.2% |
Korean Bus Set
6.9% |
Temporal8 Real Vehicles 32bpp
6.4% |
TW's UK RVs 2 (HD) [Legacy]
6.0% |
Fake Subways
5.6% |
Temporal8 Semi Trucks 32bpp
5.5% |
Japanese SusMon [Obsolete]
5.5% |
Temporal8 Real Trucks 32bpp 4X
5.4% |
Ikarus Set
4.7% |
CZTR Tram set
4.0% |
Temporal8 Semi Trucks 32bpp 4X
4.0% |
Hungarian Truck Set
3.9% |
Slovak Bus Set !BETA!
3.9% |
JP+ Suspended Monorails
3.9% |
3.9% |
Korean Tram Set
3.8% |
8/32bpp Canton Buses(CHN)
3.8% |
3.7% |
Korean Bus Set Expansion
3.7% |
Earlier Road Vehicles
3.4% |
CS Tram Set [V. 0.2 + 0.1]
3.4% |
Polish Tram set by Sojita
3.2% |
3.2% |
North American Road Vehicle Set
3.2% |
Czech Road set
3.2% |
Bob's British Buses Fix in NML
3.1% |
Generic Tram Set
3.1% |
C.O.N.V.E.Y.O.R. B.E.L.T.S.
3.1% |
Urban Suspended Monorail
3.0% |
Polish Road Set
3.0% |
3.0% |
Water Way Road
2.8% |
Long vehicles v4. Cut version
2.5% |
Utility "Truck" Set Pipe Addon
2.5% |
HVW Modular Truck Set
2.5% |
Portuguese Road Buses
2.5% |
North Korean Road Vehicles 2.0
1.9% |
Temporal8 Real Bus 32 bpp 4X
1.8% |
Articulated Road Vehicles Set
1.6% |
Improved Generic Tram Set
1.3% |
1.3% |
1.3% |
STGFX Trolleybus set
0.9% |
0.9% |
Trolleybus Set
0.9% |
CZTR Truck set
0.6% |
CZTR Bus set
0.5% |
Horse Carts
0.5% |
TW's UK RVs 2 [Legacy]
0.4% |
Improved Road Vehicles
0.4% |
0.4% |
Finnish Trams Fix
0.3% |
Hover Vehicles
0.2% |
0.1% |
NewGRFs - ship set |
Squid Ate FISH (FISH 2 - Ships)
57.7% |
31.3% |
Sailing Ships
29.8% |
FISH 1 (Ships)
26.5% |
16.4% |
Sailing Ships (community)
13.7% |
Very large ships
11.4% |
Sal's Canalboats
9.8% |
6.6% |
5.7% |
Unsinkable Sam (Ships)
5.7% |
Temporal8 Real Ships 32bpp 4X
4.4% |
3.1% |
USS Nimitz (CVN-68)
2.6% |
1.1% |
NewGRFs - signal set |
Multi Aspect Signals
19.2% |
Dutch Signals
18.0% |
Japanese Signals
15.2% |
JP+ signal extension
11.8% |
Korean Signal Set
0.3% |
Combined American Signal Set
0.3% |
<0.1% |
NewGRFs - town set |
ITL Houses
37.0% |
Temporal8 Real Houses Townset
27.4% |
Dutch Terraced Houses
23.1% |
ECS Houses
17.9% |
Swedish Houses
17.1% |
Japanese Buildings
15.5% |
UK Town Set
14.6% |
JP+ Buildings
12.0% |
North American Building Set
11.3% |
Polish Buildings Set
8.7% |
TaI UK Houses
6.8% |
Total Town Replacement Set
6.7% |
City HQs
6.4% |
Main HQ (ttdur)
5.6% |
Korean Style Buildings
3.6% |
Korean Town set
3.6% |
North Korean Houses Set v2
3.3% |
Swedish Houses Early Mod
3.0% |
Full English - UK Townset
2.2% |
Central European Towns
2.2% |
Total Town Replac. Set Early Mo
1.7% |
Early Houses
0.4% |
(OLD) Late Mars Houses
0.4% |
Korean HQ
0.3% |
TaI UK Houses Early Mod
0.3% |
China HQs
0.2% |
<0.1% |
NewGRFs - townname set |
Dutch Town Names
15.9% |
Japanese City Names
11.7% |
Argentina City Names
9.4% |
Japanese Town Names
8.4% |
Tokyo Train Stations Names
7.4% |
French Small Town Names
5.6% |
Crass UK Town Names
4.7% |
Russian Town Names
3.6% |
More British Town Names
3.2% |
Chinese True Town Names
2.8% |
Chinese Town Names
2.7% |
Brazilian Town Names
2.5% |
British Town Names
2.4% |
Polish Real Town Names
2.2% |
US Town Names
1.0% |
Famous Town Names
0.9% |
The Elder Scrolls Town Names
0.6% |
World Town Names
0.6% |
Belgian Town Names
0.4% |
Korean Town Names
0.3% |
Ukrainian Town Names
0.3% |
CZTN - Czech Town Names
0.2% |
Korean Town Hanja Names
0.2% |
0.2% |
Japanese Town Names Extended
0.2% |
0.1% |
NewGRFs - train set |
Iron Horse 2 (Trains)
23.8% |
DACH Trains
19.4% |
Dutch Trainset 2
17.7% |
Japanese Train Set
16.4% |
Invisible engine set
15.2% |
British Rail UK Set (BRTrains)
14.2% |
JP+ Multiple Units (JGR/JNR/JR)
14.2% |
Belgian Train Set
13.3% |
The Dutch Trainset Add-on
13.1% |
UKRS2 - The UK Railway Set
12.8% |
Polish PKP Set 2.0
12.7% |
Japanese Maglevs
12.5% |
Japanese Train Set+ Addon
11.7% |
JP+ Engines & Wagons
11.4% |
North American Renewal Set
10.6% |
UKRS2 - Community Bugfixes
10.6% |
UKRS2 Addon - Community Bugfixe
10.6% |
Korean Train Set
10.6% |
KEIO Railway Set
10.4% |
JP+ MU Cars Mail Refit
10.4% |
10.2% |
Okinawa Trainset
10.2% |
Toei Inter-connection Add-on Se
10.2% |
NARS Add-On Set 2cc
10.0% |
Invisible Leading Engine
9.4% |
AuzTrains NSW
8.9% |
OpenGFX+ Trains
8.6% |
Real International Maglev Set
8.6% |
DB Double Deck Coaches
8.5% |
Modern UK Trainset
8.4% |
JP+ Private Comp. Mail Refit
8.3% |
Dutch Trainset 3XL
8.3% |
7.6% |
TRAXX Locomotive Set
7.6% |
Timberwolf's UK Trains
7.6% |
Timberwolf's UK Trains Addon
7.6% |
NARS 2.5 Passenger mod
7.5% |
2cc TrainsInNML
7.4% |
Modern Maglev Trains
7.3% |
North Korean Train Set
7.3% |
E001 - Train Suite Shiki-shima
7.2% |
Iron Horse 1 (Trains)
7.2% |
Faster UKRS2 Express Car
7.2% |
Small Man
7.2% |
Iron Horse 2 Addon
7.2% |
Southern Pacific Steam Set
7.2% |
TIAS All-Climate Fix
7.2% |
7.2% |
Future Reality Inspired Maglevs
6.9% |
8/32bpp Trains 2CC
6.8% |
xUSSR Railway Diesels Set
6.1% |
xUSSR Railway Electrics Set
6.1% |
xUSSR Railway DMUs Set
6.1% |
xUSSR Railway EMUs Set
6.1% |
xUSSR Railway set
5.7% |
UKRS2+ UK Railway Add-on Set
5.6% |
JP+ Private Companies
5.4% |
JP+ Shinkansen
5.4% |
Iron Horse 3 (Trains)
5.1% |
Danish Trains
4.7% |
600mm Narrow Gauge Railways
4.5% |
2cc Rapid Transit For Me!
4.3% |
Polish Train Set
4.3% |
Tokyo Metro Set
4.0% |
xUSSR Railway Set add-on
3.6% |
BROS - British Rail Openttd Set
3.6% |
US Train Set
3.6% |
StarRaid's General UK Stuff
3.4% |
UKRS1 (Obsolete)
3.4% |
Sunshine Trains
3.4% |
UKRS1 AP (Obsolete)
3.4% |
Dutch Trainset
3.4% |
AuzTrains Other States
3.3% |
NATS - Nagoya Area Train Set
3.2% |
3.1% |
3.0% |
Generic Oceanian Passenger Set
3.0% |
3.0% |
Romanian Train Set
3.0% |
Austrian Trains
2.9% |
xUSSR Railway Steamers Set
2.8% |
xUSSR Railway Wagons Set
2.8% |
xUSSR Railway Cars Set
2.8% |
China Set: Trains
2.6% |
Representative UK Trainset
2.6% |
North American Pax Liveries
2.5% |
A New Monolev Trainset
2.5% |
American Interurban Set
2.5% |
xUSSR Railway Subway Set
2.5% |
2cc Wagons in NML (2ccWIN)
2.4% |
DACH Multivoltage Override
2.2% |
Vactrain Set 1.1.FORK
1.8% |
Danish Trains Voltage Override
1.3% |
Dutch Trainset Series JF Fork
1.3% |
NS Intercity-Max trainset
1.2% |
8/32bpp Chinese Maglev Trains
1.0% |
Czech Railways Set
0.9% |
Czech Railways EXTRA set
0.9% |
Gwyd's 2cc Trainset
0.9% |
Hungarian 2CC-SET
0.9% |
Vacuum Vehicle Wagon and Train
0.9% |
Universal Rail Type
0.9% |
Default set extension
0.9% |
European Train Set
0.6% |
SNCF French trainset
0.6% |
World Train Set
0.4% |
Class 313,314 & 315
0.4% |
0.4% |
0.4% |
0.4% |
Swedish Trains
0.4% |
Class 37
0.4% |
Swedish trains fix!
0.4% |
Class 380/385
0.4% |
Trains of Europe - Generic
0.4% |
0.4% |
SE v2
0.4% |
Ansaldo-TIBB E652
0.4% |
Stadler GTW (Trenord ATR115/125
0.4% |
0.4% |
GETS German Extrazoom Trainset
0.4% |
Spanish Trainset
0.4% |
Some Trains In France
0.4% |
CFL Trains: Luxembourgish Train
0.4% |
0.4% |
Korean Early Train Set
0.3% |
CZTR Wagons - Cargo
0.3% |
Italian Railway Coaches
0.3% |
0.3% |
0.3% |
Finnish Trainset Fix
0.3% |
CZTR Engines - Steam
0.2% |
CZTR Engines - Electric
0.2% |
CZTR Engines - Diesel
0.2% |
CZTR Engines - EMU
0.2% |
CZTR Wagons - Passengers
0.2% |
0.2% |
Hybrid Trains
0.2% |
JP+ NATS Duplicates Disabler
0.2% |
8/32bpp Chinese Trains in NML
0.2% |
NewGRFs - unknown set |
OpenGFX2 Settings
24.4% |
6.9% |
Extra Station Names
6.4% |
Alternative Currencies
5.6% |
British Extra Station Names
5.5% |
3.4% |
CZTR Effects
3.4% |
2.5% |
2.5% |
1.0% |
1.0% |
1.0% |
1.0% |
1.0% |
1.0% |
1.0% |
0.9% |
0.9% |
0.9% |
NewGRFs - vehicle set |
ECS & FIRS vehicle set
10.4% |
Original vehicle names
5.6% |
3.0% |
Japanese SusMon [Obsolete]
1.0% |
Some Vehicles Never Expire
0.4% |
FLO-Set - outdated
0.4% |
0.1% |
NewGRFs - water-infra set |
ISR-style dock
22.3% |
CHIPS Custom Docks
18.8% |
New Buoys
0.4% |